Our ‘Depth’ Showing has now finished.
It was a really great opportunity to share an experimental piece we made over the 2 weeks. We were nervous because we had almost no idea what was going on in the piece yet ourselves but we think it was a great decision to do a showing. We had a great audience and we received lots of good feedback about developing this work in the future. We would like to say thanks to everyone who came to see our showing and Ausdance NSW who gave us this opportunity.
Here are some photos from the showing day.
この2週間稽古で行った実験の成果を観客とシェアできる機会ができた事は本当に良かったです。ショーイングの前はかなり緊張しました。自分達でもまだ何をやってるのか殆どつかめていない状態で見せると言う、でも本当にショーイングをやって良かったと思いました。私達の作品に対してとても真剣に向き合ってくれた観客の方々。これからの発展に役に立つ感想を貰えました。観に来て下さった方々、そしてこの機会を与えてくれたAusdance NSWに本当に感謝感謝です。
After our showing we held a little explanation and feedback session.
We did a debrief of our DAIR residency with Kei Ikeda today. Our big big appreciation to Kei, she is beautiful and amazing. We were very happy we could collaborate with her.
We hope to develop the ideas from this piece more, leading to performances of a new work in the future. We will try to make it happen!!